Articles on: Registration

Create your organization

The publication of events is totally free, including program, visuals, media and contact form.
Once they have been published, they can always be consulted in the "Past events" section.

Before creating your organization, check whether it is already online.

3 possibilities:

1/ the organization already exists and is run by its registered owner.
In this case, contact him via the site to ask him to join his staff. He'll add you easily via his BackOffice, and you'll receive an invitation that you'll need to validate.

2/ the organization already exists without an owner, with or without events,
In this case, you can take control by clicking on "I want to manage this organization".
Eugenol will receive your request for validation.

3/The organization does not exist.
In this case, follow the online instructions and create your organization in just a few minutes.
Eugenol will receive your request for validation.

You can modify your data at any time.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] via our website for further assistance.

Updated on: 01/11/2023

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